Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Queen Pat My Own Back

My daughter wanted to be Glenda the Good Witch this Halloween. I went to the fabric store and got the pattern. A week later I took the little monster back to the fabric store to pick out material for the costume. All of the fabric she wanted to get was pink and more pink. Glenda does not have a pink dress, it's peach. Being the perfectionist, stick to the facts sort of gal that I am, I couldn't let her be a pink Glenda. I know, I know, I should have let her be a pink Glenda. It's just a Halloween costume. Perhaps I have a slight touch of OCD because I couldn't do it. A pink Glenda would have made me nuts, it just isn't right. So I explained the facts to my munchkin and convinced her to let me make her a pink princess costume instead. We bought a new pattern. I must say that I made a damn good princess costume. Check it out.

Cutey Pah-tootey!!! She had the best costume at her dance studio Halloween party. The other girls in their store bought princess costumes paled in comparison to my little princess. It's definitely worth the pink glitter that has made it's way into every crevice and cranny of my home and car. Even the baby has had pink glitter stuck to her face, feet, and hair since the making of this get up. Oh well, my philosophy is everything looks better with glitter or rhinestones. Happy Halloween!!!

Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. Thank you!


  1. She is a cutey, that's for sure.
    Nice job on the outfit.

  2. hello this is jason bukowy im am ryans friend from highschool i like your blog your daughter is cute and i am proud of you two he has always been a great friend to me...umm just tell him shayson says pequot...and hello


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